McDonald’s in Sweden

McDonald’s restaurants around the world come in some very interesting permutations.  The two that have been on my mind are one in Sweden and one in the American heartland.  These two restaurants cater to drive-thru customers who are NOT driving cars.  In Sweden, they are driving snowmobiles.  A bright McDonald’s employee noticed that this town in Sweden had 6,000 registered snowmobiles, and so McDonald’s saw a niche to fill.  In the heartland of the U.S., there are farms.  Where there are farms, there are enormous pieces of farm equipment, including huge tractors.  McDonald’s built a second-story drive-thru for the farmers in tall tractors.  Cool.

I won’t be going to Sweden any time soon, but I can see a road trip in the future to see the McDonald’s tractor drive-thru for myself.

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