Tomorrow, I will hit the road once again, this time to my mother-in-law’s. It’s always good to see her, but the 3-1/2 hour ride always seems so much longer than the 7 hours to Massachusetts. I’m usually a solo road tripper, but tomorrow, I’ll be traveling with one husband and two dogs. The older dog is a seasoned traveler, but the puppy is a wild card. She did well the last time, but who knows about this time?
My husband and I can pack sparingly to take up as little room as possible in the cross-over vehicle. The dogs have their own gym back, which resembles traveling with young children. EVERYTHING must come. Food, dog biscuits, toys, rawhide chews, rice cakes, vitamins and supplements, harnesses and leashes, all of which are siren songs, excuses to stick their noses in the bag.
This will be my mother-in-law’s first opportunity to meet our puppy Goldie. I’ll be eternally grateful if they don’t have an enthusiastic collision. I’ll have the camera ready to capture a very special moment.