Definition: Cruise
When it comes to travel or transport, “Cruise” is a useful word. Here’s the Merriam-Webster official definition of the word “cruise”:
1: to sail about touching at a series of ports
2: to move or proceed speedily, smoothly, or effortlessly <I’ll cruise over to her house to see if she’s home>
3: to travel without destination or purpose
4a : to go about the streets at random but on the lookout for possible developments <the cabdriver cruised for an hour before being hailed>
4b : to search (as in public places) for a sexual partner
5a: of an airplane : to fly at the most efficient operating speed
5b: of an automobile : to travel at a speed suitable for being maintained for a long distance
transitive verb
1: to cruise over or about
2: to inspect (as land) with reference to possible lumber yield
3a: to search in (a public place) for a sexual partner
3b: to approach and suggest sexual relations to
4: to explore or search the offerings of
Examples of CRUISE
- We cruised for a week down the Yangtze River.
- He dreams of cruising the Mediterranean.
- The bus was cruising at 55 miles per hour.
- We were cruising along the highway.
- The plane was cruising at 30,000 feet.
- On Friday nights, teenagers cruise the main street in town to show off their cars.
- A car cruised past us.