A Cord of Wood
When we bought our wood stove, we had many trees that had been cut down and further cut into stove-sized pieces. Two years ago, we finally ran out of our own wood. Now, for this winter, I ordered a cord of wood from a local tree service. I had no idea what a cord of wood looked like. It could have been a small box of wood, or it could have been an industrial-sized delivery. Blindly, I ordered it anyway.
A cord of wood turned out to be a boat-load of wood, not an industrial size, but a substantial amount. Here in Pennsylvania, the weather is turning cold. The big secret, though, is that the wood stove doesn’t really heat the room. It’s the IDEA of the fire in the wood stove that makes it cozy.
Tricking my brain into thinking that I am warm and cocooned is worth the price of a cord of wood.