BookRhythm’s Author Stroll – 4 Questions
BookRhythm wants readers to get to know authors better. Part of this author stroll is answering four questions that BookRhythm has posed:
Which one of your characters was the hardest to write?
In Depression Carpenter, the hardest character was Chin. It was hard making him both likable and irresponsible, but I think I found that balance. He can cheerfully abandon two families, but can be so thoughtful of others. Mercurial.
What did they like to do to keep you on your toes and how did you deal with this?
I never know how my books will end. I’m as anxious as anyone to find out what happens.
What do you do in your spare time?
I’m retired, so you can say that my whole life is made up of moments of spare time. Growing up, I was an only child, so I have lots of singular pursuits: knitting, sewing, reading, writing, cooking, baking, and sitting in a coffee shop watching the world roll by.
Who is your favorite author and why?
Thinking about this question, a panorama of authors passes through: Shakespeare, Kyd, Pirsig, Piercy, Kingston, Castillione, and a couple of current indie authors, MacKinnon (Tethered) and Shannon Hill (the Crazy, VA, series). I like fantastic insight into people, a wry sense of humor, and what we used to call “turn of phrase,” the ability to write memorable prose without sounding clichéd.
Good luck to all the contestants!
Great questions and answers..
It was nice knowing more about you. I look forward to reading your books.
I tried to crochet. I don’t have the patience for it.