Stop Fussing!

Stop Fussing! I’m talking about writing.  Stop being a fussy writer!  Here are some examples that make my worst list: Older versus elder, oldest versus eldest (unless you’re writing in the time of Camelot, skip this one). Lived in versus resided in or dwelt in (we get it; someone lived there). My father versus my sire (You’re kidding, right? Was your father…


Airports, Ugh

Airports, Ugh Flying used to be fun and exciting.  People used to applaud at lift-offs and, especially, landings.  You could say that flying was an interactive experience. Not anymore. I remember buying my ticket at the gate and boarding immediately.  I remember when I was physically able to stow my own bag above my seat.…


Hello, Russia!

Hello, Russia! In the process of trying to market my books online, I’m learning the incredible maze of sites that provide analytics. They all have simplified free products, or one month trials, etc.  Then they stop loving you. But I’ve been learning some very interesting things about how people are using my website.  The most…
